There Is No Rule Book

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You were designed for brilliance

Posted by thereisnorulebook on December 2, 2012

Have you ever experienced a moment of clarity when you finally realized that you have the ability to access the answer to a question you have been puzzling over for a long time?  All of a sudden you experienced a “moment of brilliance” and you realized you have the capacity to “see the answer clearly”.   That moment you discover you have the gift of solving a challenging problem or a difficult question. Before that moment you believed this was a gift others had. You now realize you also have this gift and you can access it because you were designed for brilliance!

Designed for brillianceOnce we cease judging what we believe our brain can or can’t do , we free it to be able to operate the way it was designed to operate and magic happens! We have all had moments where we have tapped into the nature and power of our true self and felt like we were rubbing shoulders with other great minds (Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, Benjamin Disraeli, Socrates, Marcus Aurelius, Helen Keller, Mozart).

Our brain follows the same principles and operates following the same science as our muscles. Each time we have the faith and confidence to take on a new challenge (one we don’t think we are ready for) we stretch and push beyond our limits to create a new boundary with regards to what we think we are capable of accomplishing. People you meet that are alive, and vibrant  constantly and intentionally put themselves in a position or opportunity to achieve something beyond what they think they were able to accomplish.

James Lipton hosts a show called “Inside the Actors Studio.” At the end of the show he always asks the same question to each one of the actors. Why did you accept this particular script for that role in the movie? The answer is always the same… because that role scared me and it put me out of my comfort zone. Actors understand that accepting a role that they have already done is not going to allow them to grow in their profession. By intentionally doing something beyond our present belief of what we believe is possible it extends our possibilities for future accomplishments.

The reason we get lost and lose our ability to be inspired by life is because we consistently go back to what we already know. The ability to move into the unknown is an attribute that high performers and high achievers practice. This experience of having an intuitive confidence to lean into the unknown is sometimes referred to as “Rare Air.” It is only referred to this by those that have not experienced it. Those that have experienced the ability of tapping into their “True Nature” realize it can be accessed by all who decide to go after it.

You were designed for brilliance and you first need to believe that. Take a chance. Who knows you just might like it, and you just might find yourself not struggling with yourself so much. Test it. When you start thinking about moving forward by operating more often by- Ready, Fire, Aim- and don’t allow yourself to continue to be stuck with Ready-  Aim- Fire (with this strategy you will never get the plane out of the hanger). Trust who you were created to be. You might surprise yourself and others with your deep brilliance.

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Simplicity requires discipline

Posted by thereisnorulebook on July 29, 2012

“In the beginners mind there are many possibilities, in the experts mind there are few.”   -Shunryu Suzuki

Have you ever observed someone and noticed that they seem to operate in the world in a fluid way? They seem to enter into interactions with people very easily and effortlessly. When they engage with others, whether it is with people in business, on a team, or with a family, they seem to carry a quiet confidence with them in all of their interactions. It’s clear that these individuals are just not wandering through the great ‘rat race’ of life.

My experiences have lead me to see that simplicity is not something to be taken simply. Those that have a better grasp on simplicity seem to have a laser beam focus around “what matters most” and are able to live their life on a path and make  great choices that appear to  be guided by a dash board that focuses them towards simplicity. It seems to me that those who are experiencing a life full of simplicity have figured some things out. One of the disciplines they seem to be following is that they are the architect of their own future; which allows them to have  choices and make decisions that guide them towards simplicity.

“Other things being equal, a simpler explanation is better than a more complex one.”   -Occam’s razor

To create a life of simplicity requires you to be clear in your own mind about what is valuable to you  individually and to then commit to what you believe is important and let the rest fall away. Each one of us knows someone who chooses a complicated life because they seem to commit to things that are not meaningful to them and this leads to a very complex life.

Vincent Van Gogh- Self portrait with straw hat

Van Gogh painted simply: usually using only 6 colors.

Simplicity is all around us. The discipline of simplicity is always practiced by the Masters. Van Gogh rarely painted with more than six colors on his palette. Ernest Hemingway wrote with a simple fountain pen, much later someone else did the typing for him. Abraham Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address on a piece of ordinary stationary that he had borrowed from the friend whose house he was staying at. Simplicity is thoughtfulness. If you expect to inspire and impact others at home, at the office, or on a team continue to practice the philosophy of being laconic (meaning using few words; expressing much in few words; concise).

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”   Albert Einstein

Simplicity has a wonderful side benefit. It provides confidence for others we want to inspire to make better decisions and ultimately,  impact their life. Conviction, authenticity, and confidence are best conveyed not through more words, but through fewer. Lincolns Gettysburg Address consists of 267 words. The Bill Of Rights is 660 words. The 10 Commandments takes 163 (And that is in English, in Hebrew its only 77 words).

To be heard and understood requires less words. All good things require discipline and simplicity is not immune to that principle. Give yourself the gift of concentrated effort and discover how this theme will surprisingly bring more meaning and purpose to your life. I bet some of the best lessons you have learned have been the simplest.

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Live Your Greatest Day

Posted by thereisnorulebook on April 7, 2012

“We have never lived our greatest day, until we have given another person the opportunity to live their greatest day.”

The times in which others have provided me with high praise for my leadership were those times that I really felt I was experiencing a true expression of who I am. I was not even attempting to be a leader. Most of the greatest moments of leadership (at least in the eyes of others) are simply times we are attempting to be authentic and to serve a purpose bigger and beyond ourselves.

<alt="There is no rule book quote by John Adams">

Trying too hard to attempt to do anything: whether it be leadership, friendship, love, etc…generally brings about the opposite outcome you’re trying to achieve. Leadership is not something that we do. It’s more of a reflection of who we are and how we decide to express who we are to the world. Most of us are inspired by others who believe what we believe. We tend to support those leaders who have a cause, a crusade, or purpose or belief that matches our own.

“Great leaders don’t create more followers; great leaders create more great leaders.”   -John Maxwell

What effective leaders have learned is that in order to inspire people, you don’t give advice but you share your experience. What we all should seek from leaders is to learn from their experiences. That is what attracts us to the good ones. If you were to evaluate the leaders that you respect the most you would find that one of their key attributes is passion. It is their passion that inspired you to want to be part of their “Big Idea.” Passion creates value and inspires us to become a part of something bigger than ourselves.

The word Leader means ‘pathfinder’. The true and authentic leaders of our time understand that before we can help people find their path, we have to find our own path first. The true pathfinders in life know that you can’t help people get closer to their destiny, until the pathfinder (leader) gets closer to his/her destiny. The invisible side of leadership is that most of us don’t see that leaders are the ones willing to make sacrifices in order to make significant contributions.

“50% of leadership should be self leadership; not leading others; if we get this down, the rest takes care of itself.”   -Dee Hock,  Founder of Visa International

Great leaders understand that momentum, action and energy is contagious. Great leaders work to keep a dream out ahead of those they humbly attempt to lead. For the most part, people don’t leave jobs. People leave people. So the expression, understanding and mastery of this responsibility and privilege we call ‘leadership’ is a characteristic worth understanding, expressing, and living.

The wise leader is not collecting a string of successes. Wise leaders are trying to help others find their own success. What they know and practice  is sharing success with others is very successful. So the next time you get the opportunity to take a leadership role- lean into that. The best way for you to be a leader is just arrive at the opportunity and be the best version of yourself you can be. This is how you inspire the human spirit. Are you a Pathfinder? More than likely you are and you don’t even know it.

So live your greatest day!

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“I want to work with remarkable people!”

Posted by thereisnorulebook on December 4, 2011

“To understand the heart and mind of a person look not at what he has already achieved, but what he aspires to.”

Imagine what your working days would be like to have a team around you that collaborated at a high level and each person would come to work to express their talents and positive attributes while making a contribution to the business, the business goals and its clients/customers.

There are a couple of key principles to apply as you look to both build and improve your team. Keep in mind that clarity equals power and energy gravitates towards clear goals.

When looking to attract high performers and high achievers to your team make sure you can confidently answer yes to these two questions. Is this person coachable? Are his or her values congruent with yours? If you can confidently answer yes to both questions there is a high probability that this potential team member will be with you for the long run. If you answer yes to one of the questions or neither of these questions; then this person may not be with your team very long.

“Success Leaves Clues”

Someone you’re looking to hire who grew up with parents that owned, worked in, and ran their own business (and they worked in that business as a kid perhaps) has a better chance of knowing what it means to work hard, be self reliant, be responsible and resilient. These are character traits that can stay with someone for a life time.

In most cases, there is a direct correlation between a candidate that grew up working and exhibiting loyalty, focus and staying committed to a project in front of them. It can make for a strong foundation as an adult looking to work for something and with a team with focus and diligence.

During the final interview, listen for key phrases that will generally be expressed in different ways by the candidate. If she uses the word we a lot in the final interview you know with confidence that the individual is not only a high performer, but they are interested in a team approach. If the candidate uses the word they this may be a sign of alienation or disassociation with an organization/ business and other team members and shows glimpses of a low performer.

Hire Passion over Experience.

Be keen to that fact that some people are great at interviewing but are poor performers. If you don’t have a lot of experience interviewing and seem to stumble and may find it difficult to see this as two separate skill sets. Sometimes the candidate, who is not bouncing off the wall with exuberance during the interview meeting, could be your best candidate.

High performers are usually easy to spot and identify right away. They are the ones who are asking you a lot of questions and end up interviewing you with intelligent crisp questions.

“It is better to hire people to get you to where you want to be than people who profess to have been there before.” -Guy Kawasaki

The last step in getting to a great outcome is to have asked each of the final candidates to respond to this question in writing: “Why are you the best choice for this position in my business?” There are two reasons for this. One: you can see their ability to communicate through the written word as well as how much attention they give to spelling and grammar. Secondly, you will be able to observe there focus, diligence and potential work ethic based on the amount of energy, focus, and effort they put into the assignment.

Remember, anytime you add new team member you have a brand new team!

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